Day: December 12, 2016

Saints’ Mission – Blessed Gyan 74

|| Aum Sai Ram || Aum Sai Para Brahmanaa Namah ||

Saints’ Mission

“We have seen before, that the purpose or object of Divine Incarnation is to protect the good and destroy the wicked. But, the mission of the Saints is quite different. To them the good and the wicked are the same. First, they draw the evil-doers and set them on the right path. They are the Agasti to destroy the Bhava-sagar (the ocean of worldly existence) or the Sun to the darkness of ignorance. The God dwells in the Saints. In fact, they are not different from Him.

Our Sai is One of these, Who incarnated for the welfare of the devotees. Supreme in knowledge and surrounded with divine aura, He loved all beings equally. He was unattached. Foes and friends, kings and paupers, all were same to Him. Hear His prowess!

For the sake of devotees, He gave His stock of merits and was ever alert to help them. But, the devotees could never approach Him, unless He meant to receive them. If their appointed time did not come, they did not remember Baba, and His Leelas could not reach their ears. Then, how could they think of seeing Him? Some men desired to see Sai Baba, but they did not get any opportunity of taking His darshan, till His Mahasamadhi. There are many such persons, whose desire for Baba’s darshan was not thus satisfied.

If these persons, believing in Him, listen to His Leelas, their quest for darshan will be, to a great extent, satisfied by the Leelas. Even if some persons went there by sheer luck and took Baba’s darshan, were they able to stay there longer? No. Nobody could go there of his own accord, and nobody could stay there longer if Baba did not wish to. They could stay there, so long as Baba permitted them to stay, and had to leave the place when asked to do so by Him, so, everything depended on Baba’s divine will.


|| Aum Sai Sharnam || May Peace Be To All ||
