Category: Day 108 – Sadguru, the only competent

Sadguru, the only competent – Blessed Gyan 108

|| Aum Sai Ram || Aum Sai Para Brahmanaa Namah ||

Sadguru only competent and Qualified to Explain

“As we have seen, this Upanishad is the quintessence of the Vedas. It is the science of self-realization, it is the scythe or weapon which can rend asunder the bondage of life and death and make us free. Therefore, he (Das Ganu) thought that, He, who has himself attained self-realization, can only give him the true or correct interpretation of the Upanishad. When nobody could satisfy Das Ganu, he resolved to consult Sai Baba, about this. When he got an opportunity to go to Shirdi, he saw Sai Baba, prostrated himself before Him, and mentioned his difficulties about the Isha Upanishad and requested Him to give the correct solution.

Sai Baba, blessed him and said, “You need not be anxious, there is no difficulty about the matter, the maid-servant of Kaka (Kakasaheb Dixit) will solve your doubts at Vile Parle on your way home.” The people who were present there and heard this, thought that Baba was joking and said, “How could an illiterate maid-servant solve the difficulties of this mystic nature”, but Das Ganu thought otherwise. He was sure that, whatever Baba spoke must come true, Baba’s word was the decree of the Brahma (Almighty).


|| Aum Sai Sharnam || May Peace Be To All ||
