Category: Day 212 – Previous Indication

Previous Indication – Blessed Gyan 212

|| Aum Sai Ram || Aum Sai Para Brahmanaa Namah ||

“This chapter describes the Passing away of Baba.

Chapter XLII – Preliminary

The stories given in the previous chapter have shown that, the light of Guru’s grace removes out fear of the mundane existence, opens the path of salvation and turns our misery into happiness. If we always remember the feet of the Sadguru, our troubles come to an end, death loses its sting, and the misery of this mundane existence is obliterated. Therefore those who care for their welfare should carefully listen to these stories of Sai Samarth, which will purify their minds.

In the beginning, Hemadpant dwells on Dr. Pandit’s worship and his marking Baba’s forehead with Tripundra, i.e., three horizontal lines; but as this has been already described in chapter XI, this has been omitted here.

Previous Indication

The readers up till now heard the stories of Baba’s life. Let them now hear attentively Baba’s Passing away. Baba got a slight attack of fever on 28th September, 1918. The fever lasted for 2 or 3 days, but afterwards Baba gave up his food, and thereby grew weaker and weaker. On the 17th day, i.e., Tuesday, the 15th October 1918, Baba left His mortal coil at about 2-30 p.m. (Vide Professor G.G. Narke’s letter, dated 5th November 1918, to Dadasaheb Khaparde, published in “Sai Leela” magazine, Page 78, first year).

Two years before this, i.e., in 1916, Baba gave an indication of His Passing away, but nobody understood it then. It was as follows: On the Vijayadashmi (Dasara) day Baba, all of a sudden got into wild rage in the evening, when people were returning from ‘Seemollanghan’ (crossing the border or limits of the village). Taking off His head-dress, Kafni and Langota etc., He tore them and threw them in the Dhuni before Him. On being fed this offering, the fire in the Dhuni began to burn brighter and Baba shone still brighter. He stood there stark naked and with His burning red eyes shouted, “You fellows, now have a look and decide finally, whether I am a Muslim or a Hindu.” Everybody was trembling with fear and none dared to approach Baba. After some time Bhagoji Shinde, the leper devotee of Baba, went boldly near Him and succeeded in tying a Langota (waist-band) round His waist and said, “Baba, what is all this? Today is the Seemollanghan, i.e., Dasara Holiday.” Baba striking the ground with His Satka said, “This is my Seemollanghan (crossing the border).” Baba did not cool down till 11-00 p.m. and the people doubted, whether the Chavadi procession would ever take place that night. After an hour Baba resumed His normal condition, and dressing Himself as usual, attended the Chavadi procession as described before. By this incident Baba gave a suggestion that, Dasara was the proper time for Him to cross the border of life, but none understood its meaning then.”


|| Aum Sai Sharnam || May Peace Be To All ||

