Day: December 21, 2016

Ratanji’s wish fulfilled – Blessed Gyan 83

|| Aum Sai Ram || Aum Sai Para Brahmanaa Namah ||

Ratanji of Nanded

“Now let us come to the main story of this chapter. In Nanded, in the Nizam state, there lived a Parsi mill-contractor and trader, by name Ratanji Shapurji Wadia. He had amassed a large amount of money and had acquired fields and lands. He had cattle, horses and conveyance, and was very prosperous. In all outward appearances, he looked very happy and contented, but inwardly, and really he was not so. Providential dispensation is such, that no one in this world is completely happy and rich; Ratanji was no exception to this. He was liberal and charitable, gave food and clothing to the poor and helped all in various ways. The people took him to be a good and happy man, but Ratanji thought himself miserable, as he had no issue, male or female, for a long time.

Just as Kirtan (singing glories of the Lord) without love or devotion, song without rhythmical accompaniments, Brahmin without the sacred thread, proficiency in all arts without common sense, pilgrimage without repentance and ornamentation without a necklace, are futile and useless, so is a house-holder without an issue. Ratanji always brooded on this matter and said in his mind, “Would God be ever pleased to grant me a son?” He, thus looked morose, and did not relish his food. Day and night, he was enveloped with anxiety, as to whether he would ever be blessed with a son. He had a great regard for Das Ganu Maharaj. He saw him and opened his heart before him. Das Ganu advised him to go to Shirdi, take Baba’s darshan, fall at His Feet and seek His blessing and pray for an issue.

Ratanji liked the idea, and decided to go to Shirdi. After some days, he went to Shirdi, took Baba’s darshan and fell at His Feet. Then opening a basket, he took out a beautiful garland of flowers and placed it around Baba’s neck and offered Him a basket of fruits. With great reverence he then, sat near Baba, and prayed to Him saying, “Many persons, who find themselves in difficult situations come to You, and You relieve them immediately. Hearing this, I have anxiously sought Your Feet, please, do not disappoint me.”

Sai Baba, then, asked him for Dakshina of Rs. five which Ratanji intended to give, but added that, He has already received Rs. 3-14-0 from him, and that, he should pay the balance only. Hearing this, Ratanji was rather puzzled. He could not make out what Baba meant. That was the first time, he thought, that he went to Shirdi and how was it that, Baba said that He had earlier got Rs. 3-14-0 from him? He could not solve the riddle. But he sat at Baba’s Feet and gave the balance of the Dakshina asked for, explained to Baba fully, as to why he came and sought His help and prayed that Baba should bless him with a son. Baba was moved and told him not to worry, and that thence onward his bad days had ended. He then gave him Udi, placed His hand on his head and blessed him saying that Allah (God) would satisfy his heart’s desire.

Then after taking Baba’s leave, Ratanji returned to Nanded and told Das Ganu everything that took place at Shirdi. He said that everything went on well there, that he got Baba’s darshan and blessing with Prasad, but there was one thing which he could not understand. Baba said to him that he had got Rs.3-14-0 before. Please explain, as to what Baba meant by this remark. He said to Das Ganu, “I never went to Shirdi before, and how could I give Him the sum, to which Baba referred?” To Das Ganu too, it was a puzzle, and he thought over it for a long time. Some time afterwards, it struck him that Ratanji had received some days ago a Mohammeden Saint, by name Moulisaheb, in his house and had spent some money for his reception. This Moulisaheb, was a well known saint of Nanded and worked as a porter.

When Ratanji decided to go the Shirdi, this Moulisaheb turned up at Ratanji’s house. Ratanji knew him and loved him. So, he gave a small party in his honour. Das Ganu got from Ratanji, the memo or memo of expenses of this reception, and everybody was wonderstruck to see, that the expenses amounted to exactly Rs.3-14-0, nothing more, nothing less. They all came to know, that Baba was Omniscient, that though, He lived in Shirdi, He knew what happened outside, far away from Shirdi. In fact He knew the past, present and future, and could identify Himself with anybody. In this particular instance, how could He know, the reception given to Moulisaheb and the amount spent thereon, unless, He could identify Himself with him, and be One with him?

Ratanji was satisfied with this explanation and his faith in Baba was confirmed and increased. In due time, afterwards, he was blessed with a son and his joy knew no bounds. It is said that he had in all a dozen issues, out of which only four survived.

In a foot-note towards the end of this Chapter, it is stated that, Baba told Rao Bahadur Hari Vinayak Sathe, after the death of his first wife, to remarry and that, he would get a son. R.B. Sathe married second time. The first two issues, by this wife were daughters and he, therefore, felt very despondent. But the third issue was a son. Baba’s word did come true and he was satisfied.”


|| Aum Sai Sharnam || May Peace Be To All ||
