Day: January 28, 2017

Baba protects at all times – Blessed Gyan 121

|| Aum Sai Ram || Aum Sai Para Brahmanaa Namah ||

Hemadpant (Scorpion and Serpent)

(1) At Baba’s recommendation Kakasaheb Dixit was daily reading the two works of Shri Eknath Maharaj, viz., Bhagwat and Bhavartha Ramayan and Hemadpant had the good fortune to be one of the audience, when the reading of the works was going on. Once when a portion from the Ramayana relating to Hanuman’s testing Rama’s greatness according to his mother’s instructions, was being read, all the listeners were spell-bound. Hemadpant was one of them. A big scorpion (none knew, where it came from), jumped and sat on the right shoulder of Hemadpant, on his Uparani (upper Dhotar). First it was not noticed, but as the Lord protects those, who are intent on hearing His stories, he casually cast a glance over his right shoulder and noticed it. It was dead silence not a bit moving here or there. It seemed as if, it also enjoyed the reading. Then by the Lord’s grace, Hemadpant, without disturbing the audience, took the two ends of his Dhotar, folded them and brought them together enclosing the scorpion within. Then he went out and threw it in the garden.

(2) On another occasion, some persons were sitting in the upper floor of Kakasaheb’s Wada, just before nightfall, when a serpent crept through a hole in the window-frame and sat coiled up. A light was brought. Though it was first dazzled, yet it sat still and moved its head up and down. Then many persons rushed there with sticks and cudgels, but as it sat in an awkward place, no blow could be dealt. But hearing the noises of men, the serpent went out hastily through the same hole. Then all the persons present there felt relieved.


|| Aum Sai Sharnam || May Peace Be To All ||
