Bapusaheb Jog’s Sanyaas – Blessed Gyan 218

|| Aum Sai Ram || Aum Sai Para Brahmanaa Namah ||

Bapusaheb Jog’s Sanyaas

“Hemadpant closes this chapter with the account of Jog’s Sanyaas. Sakharam Hari alias Bapusaheb Jog was the uncle of the famous Varkari Vishnubuva Jog of Poona. He had no issue. After his retirement from Govt. Service (He was a Supervisor in the P.W. Department) in 1909, he came and lived in Shirdi with his wife. Both husband and wife loved Baba and spent all their time in worshipping and serving Baba. After Megha’s death, Bapusaheb daily did the Arati ceremony in the Masjid and Chavadi till Baba’s Maha-Samadhi. He was also entrusted with the work of reading and explaining Jnaneshwari and Ekanathi Bhagawat in Sathe’s Wada to the audience. After serving for many years, Jog asked Baba, I have served you so long, my mind is not yet calm and composed, how is it that my contact with Saints has not improved me? When will You bless me?” Hearing the Bhakta’s prayer Baba replied, In due time your bad actions (their fruit or result) will be destroyed, your merits and demerits will be reduced to ashes, and I shall consider you blessed, when you will renounce all attachments, conquer lust and sense of taste, and getting rid of all impediments, serve God whole-heartedly and resort to the begging bowl (accept Sanyaas).” After some time, Baba’s words came true. His wife predeceased him and as he had no other attachment, he became free and accepted Sanyaas before his death and realised the goal of his life.”


|| Aum Sai Sharnam || May Peace Be To All ||



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